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CD Presentatie ‘Frankly Speaking’ van Frank ‘Jazzpainter’ Paavo 6tet

maart 13, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

De CD presentatie van het nieuwe album ‘FRANKLY SPEAKING’ van Frank ‘Jazzpainter’ Paavo
* Frank Paavo – saxen
* Suzan Veneman – trompet
* Thijs Cuppen – vleugel
* Mateusz Pulawski – gitaar
* Marijn van de Ven – bas
* Bart van Helsdingen – drums
Host – Mike Del Ferro
Presentatie – TBA
Er worden deze middag 2 shows gegeven:
1) 14.00 – 15.00
2) 15.30 – 16.30
Entree 15,-euro incl. gesigneerde CD.
Vanwege Corona maatregelen mogen er maar 30 mensen per concert aanwezig zijn, daarom is reserveren vooraf noodzakelijk!
Whatsapp of bellen: Frank Paavo 0654902040
Vermeld aantal kaarten en welke show je wilt bijwonen: show 1 of 2.
“In the midst of modern society, with its overwhelming density of sounds and notes, nothing expresses our emotional truth more than music can. Amsterdam-based saxophonist and composer Frank Paavo joyfully and playfully captures the moods and movements of the energetic metropolis with his new ensemble that offers a rich palette of versatility and originality, covering three generations of far-reaching artistic exploration. At the helm, Paavo makes the trip worthwhile. His music breathes the past and present tense simultaneously, scintillatingly referring to the memory of the lively improv sessions at the old Bimhuis, and yet, at the same time eagerly anticipating and facilitating the promises and the unknown of improvised music yet to come. The Dutch have always had a reputation for bringing a lofty and witty counter voice to jazz, the greatest of all original American art forms, with such greats as Willem Breuker, Han Bennink and Mischa Mengelberg — and Frank Paavo’s narrative saxophone paintings are no exception. He never settles for the known, but gently and gracefully approaches the unknown in an animated conversation. With fresh melodies, strong ensemble playing and daring arrangements Frankly Speaking is an album of pure musical expression that reflects the dynamics of living in this crazy little place we call the here and now. Let’s dance together into the unknown.”


maart 13, 2022
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm